Today we’re featuring high school senior pictures with Lilly who was one of our Class of 2019 Model Reps!
As a Model Rep we photographed Lilly twice, a studio shoot during the Spring of her Junior year and then a summer shoot when she was officially a senior. We also did a Clueless themed photo shoot with Lilly and some of her friends that was completely amazeballs!
Lilly was one of the sweetest seniors we’ve ever worked with and was very enthusiastic about the process. We ended up with so many great photos and you can check out a bunch of them here in this post!
We had a chance to talk to Lilly about her nFocus model rep experience and here’s what she had to say…
nfocus: Thank you for being one of our Class of 2019 Model Reps this year! As a Rep you had the chance to participate in multiple photo shoots. What was your favorite part?
Lilly: I loved getting to do a photoshoot with my friends that was “Clueless” themed. We got to pick out really fun outfits and the pictures turned out awesome!
n: Did you feel prepared for your photo shoots? Were you nervous at all?
l: I guess I was a little nervous at first for the indoor shoot, since it was my first time taking professional photos since I was really little. But once I got there, Nick made it a really comfortable environment and it was so much fun!
n: Do you feel like you were adequately coached through the shoots? Did you ever feel awkward or unsure of yourself?
l: Poses definitely do not come naturally for me, so Nick had to coach me throughout a lot of it. Sometimes I would do a pose that I felt really awkward about, but seeing them after, I realize that it actually looked awesome!
n: Your parents were at your outdoor shoot. Did you feel like it was a good experience for the three of you?
l: Having my parents at the outdoor shoot really helped me! With my dad making jokes pretty much the whole time, I felt like my pictures looked way more relaxed. I especially have to thank my mom for helping me with my outfit changes and being there to help however she could at all of my photoshoots.
n: Did the final photos turn out the way you had hoped?
l: My final photos turned out better than I could’ve ever expected! The way that they were shot and edited were so beautiful and I am so excited to be able to show these to my family at graduation next year.
n: Did you enjoy being a Model Rep? What did you like about the experience?
l: I loved being a Model Rep! It was so much fun to see pictures posted of me on something other than my own Instagram page. It made me feel like a real model and I got so excited whenever someone would comment something on a post.
n: Is there anything you wish you’d done differently either to prepare or during your shoots?
l: There is nothing I would have done differently. I think that it all went great!
n: What types of things did your friends say about your photos?
l: A lot of my friends commented on my photos! I had a lot of friends ask where they were done because they said that they were so beautiful.
n: Would you recommend nFocus to your friends?
l: I would 100% recommend nFocus to my friends. It was so much fun to pick out outfits and go to the studio and your personality really shines through in the pictures.
n: What are you looking forward to your senior year?
l: My senior year I am really looking forward to the football games. As a senior you really get to go all out with costumes and spirit!
n: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
l: Something most people don’t know about me is that when I was 8 years old I opened a pie company called “Grandma’s Pies”. I created a website where neighbors could order pies and I would bake them and deliver them on my bike.
n: Who was you favorite musical artist when you were in Junior High?
l: When I was in Junior High I was OBSESSED with broadway musicals. Legally Blonde was and still is definitely a favorite.
n: What’s your favorite spot on the planet?
l: My favorite spot on the planet is Charleston in South Carolina. I visited there a couple summers ago and feel in love with the people and the beautiful city.
n: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
l: In ten years, I’ve hoped to have travelled the world and be a successful business women. I also love family so I hope to still live near my relatives and maybe even be starting one of my own.